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News Archive - June 2014



Ramadhan and Summer Holidays

Posted Saturday 21st June 2014 at 10:00

The Ramadhan and summer holidays will begin on Monday 23rd June 2014 and will end on Monday 11th August 2014 inclusive. The new Madrasah academic year (August 2014 - June 2015) will start on Tuesday 12th August 2014 at 4:55 PM. All parents are humbly requested to remind pupils to recite the Qur'aan and apply whatever Islamic knowledge they have learnt during Ramadhan and summer holidays.



Annual Imtihaan 2014

Posted Sunday 8th June 2014 at 13:15

The Annual Imtihaan will take place on Saturday 14th June 2014. Parents are requested to make sure that pupils are suitably dressed and arrive at the Madrasah no later than 8:55AM. The Imtihaan will end at approximately 11:30AM. All parents are requested to collect their children at this time.


Madrasah will continue as normal week commencing Monday 16th June 2014, where students will be moving to their new class and preparing for the Jalsa. Parents are instructed to send their children to madrasah during this week. The end of year party will also take place during this week.


The Madrasah Jalsah (Student presentation and prize giving) will take place on Saturday 21st June 2014 after Zuhr Salaah (1:45PM). All family members are invited to attend the gatherings. The Boys presentation will take place on the ground floor of the Masjid, and the Girls presentation will take place separately on the first floor in the Madrasah building. Please note, parents are reminded not to use any photographic or video recording equipment (i.e. mobile phones) during the presentation.



